September 2011 Educators Showcase: Lucy Curzon

Lucy Curzonteaches Modern and Contemporary Art History as an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Her research interests vary from investigating ideas of national identity, gender, and sexuality in painting and photography to focusing on the exploration of how Art History and Studio curricula could better communicate with one another through active and collaborative learning strategies and new forms of teaching technology. With regard to the latter, Curzon is currently focused on investigating the pedagogical value of collaborative social networking and other web-based media, for which she recently won a teaching grant to support her implementation of many of these ideas in large, lecture-based classrooms. Working with PI Dr. Brian Evans (University of Alabama), she is also a faculty associate on an NSF-funded ‘CreativeIT’ project. Curzon received her PhD in Visual and Cultural Studies from the University of Rochester.
Assignment: Using Blogs as a Pedagogical Tool
click here for Full Text of Assignment
Student Blog Examples

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