ThinkTank5 Complete!
Four Minds for the Future: Creative, Constructive, Critical, Connective
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4 Minds for the Future: Edit together or Download for yourself
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Re:Thinking the "Foundation"
Shifting the Lens
Focus: Climate, Curriculum, Pedagogy
Buzz: Self Assessment, Organizational Terrain, Proficiencies, Pacing, The "A" Word (Assessment), Accountability vs. Ownership, Rubrics, "Defining the box...", Ownership, Leadership, Followship, Heuristics, Perception, Otherness, Tacit-knowing
Leading Change: Edit together, download, homework
Observing the World: Edit together, download
Design and Social Practice in 21st Century: Edit together, download
Creating Bridges: Edit together, download
Cultural, Conceptual, Historical Frameworks: Overview, notes
Meaning and Experience in the Foundation Studio with Matt King
Visual Narrative with Chris Kienke
State of Play with Anthony Fontana