August 2010 Educators Showcase - Cindy Hellyer-Heinz
Cindy Hellyer-Heinz at work in the classroom.Cindy Hellyer Heinz is the Foundations Coordinator at Northern Illinois University. She is an active artist and illustrator. Her drawings have been exhibited in museums and galleries, and featured in books and journals. Her imagery describes the human aging process, paralleling nature’s cycles of regeneration. Cindy is a committed and passionate art educator, working with both Foundations students and faculty to offer the optimal learning experience in the first year. “My mission as a teacher is to inspire my students into thoughtful communication and empower them with the skill and techniques to accomplish their goals.” She has developed a series of drawing workshops which are targeted toward teaching idea generation and skill development. The emphasis is keeping students engaged, acknowledging the potency of visual communication and identity. A video of the first workshop has been produced and will be distributed by the creators of Prisma Color Pencils.
Cindy Hellyer-Heinz - Portfolio
"Benediction" 22" x 30"
"The Ripening" 33" x 33"
"The Anticipation" 33" x 33"
Assignment -Thrilling Bastardization
Intro -
This is a large scale self portrait. It may be editorial, descriptive or narrative. The notion of bastardization implies a shift or change from the original ideal. Historically it referred to legitimacy, the legal connection for the transference of property. Today this archaic title has been applied to the borrowing and mutating of an idea, activity, value, and image. Our perceptions and beliefs are constructed through our history, family, culture, time, and, specifically, today the media. Through the impact of immersion in advertising, television, video, film and print we are unavoidably influenced. The adoption of codes of behavior, dress, and presentation represent our self perception. It is not always the truth. It may be a bastardization of who you actually are and what you choose to be.
View the Assignment "Thrilling Bastardization" on Google docs
Examples of Student Work - "Thrilling Bastardization"
C. Heinz - Student Work
C. Heinz - Student Work
C. Heinz - Student Work