ThinkTank5 Complete!

Four Minds for the Future: Creative, Constructive, Critical, Connective

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Workshop descriptions

Inquiry Based Foundations

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Opening Address:

Re:Thinking the "Foundation"
Shifting the Lens


Download the PDF 

Focus: Climate, Curriculum, Pedagogy

Buzz: Self Assessment, Organizational Terrain, Proficiencies, Pacing, The "A" Word (Assessment), Accountability vs. Ownership, Rubrics, "Defining the box...", Ownership, Leadership, Followship, Heuristics, Perception, Otherness, Tacit-knowing

Leading Change: Edit together, download, homework

Observing the World: Edit together, download

Design and Social Practice in 21st Century: Edit together, download

Creating Bridges: Edit together, download

Cultural, Conceptual, Historical Frameworks: Overview, notes


Meaning and Experience in the Foundation Studio with Matt King

Visual Narrative with Chris Kienke

State of Play with Anthony Fontana


Participants Sought For ThinkTank5

Participants Sought For ThinkTank5:

Scheduled for University of Georgia, June 2-6, 2010

ThinkTank is a facilitated discussion and intensive workshop forum that is designed to improve Foundations teaching. We bring together emerging educators, master educators, and administrators from around the country to expand the theory and improve the practice of higher education in the 21st century. We anticipate 90 participants in 2010, and plan to follow up with a 48-page journal, providing sample assignments and describing our results.

As a high-intensity and small-scale project, ThinkTank participation is by invitation only. Applications simple, quick, and are submitted on-line. For ThinkTank5, we seek participants in three areas:

Emerging Educators are untenured faculty members, generally with two to seven years of full or part-time college teaching experience. We will offer ten Emerging Educator fellowships that will pay the cost of the event and lodging in the Georgia Center Conference hotel. Fellowship application details will be posted by August 30 and the deadline for application is December 30, 2009. Emerging educators can also fund participation on their own or use funds from their home departments.

Emerging Administrators are experienced teachers who are now seeking or have recently accepted the challenge of leading a Foundations program or Art Department. The opportunity to network with peers combined with discussions of curriculum design, leadership and strategic planning are especially valuable to these participants. Application deadline for Emerging Administrators is November 30.

Master Educators are experienced faculty members and administrators, generally with seven or more years of full-time college teaching experience, including substantial work with Foundations curriculum or coursework. For this group, ThinkTank provides an opportunity to share your knowledge while gathering fresh perspectives. Application deadline for these participants is January 30. 


In all cases, we seek participants that are:

· dedicated to developing the best possible Foundations education for the 21st century;

· high achievers as artists/designers/scholars;

· have strong leadership potential or a demonstrated record of leadership;

· willing to follow up on the event itself with a sample assignment, regional workshop, or peer-reviewed article for the new ThinkTank journal.

ThinkTank5 Agenda

ThinkTank5 Applicaton

Download ThinkTank5 Brochure (PDF)

A note to FATE Members: A strong partnership between FATE (Foundations in Art: Theory and Education) and ThinkTank is natural. FATE provides open access to the widest range of ideas and approaches. ThinkTank is an ideal forum for those interested in further in-depth discussions and those seeking to change their existing Foundations assignments, curricula or administrative strategies.